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Partner ARTiBA

ARTiBA partners with academic institutions and Ai technology companies to accelerate education and training in Ai engineering and machine learning on ARTiBA’s vendor-agnostic AMDEX™ framework. ARTiBA partners get the opportunity to train agile Ai engineers and DevOps experts who can develop applications in supervised, unsupervised, ensemble and deep learning; speech recognition, computer vision and object detection using open-source programming algorithms, technologies, frameworks and databases.

As Ai engineering continues to evolve and intersect with other technologies, artificial intelligence and machine learning have emerged as the most sought-after technology super-specializations globally. The demand for focused training in Ai engineering and application development is particularly high among graduating technology students who aspire to enter the field of artificial intelligence. With ARTiBA’s training and academic partnerships, educators can tap into these exciting opportunities and meet the growing demand.

Join the Global Ai Education Eco-System

In addition to offering the world’s fastest and the only digitally driven Ai accreditation program for tech institutions, ARTiBA is expanding to leading universities, government ICT academies and training companies to build a new global ecosystem for dynamic learning and professional development in artificial intelligence and machine learning. As part of this ecosystem, ARTiBA training and education partners offer AiE™ certification preparation training on ARTiBA’s open source AMDEX™ framework and are supported comprehensively on content by independent ARTiBA-authorized publishers and online learning providers.

Join the Global Ai Education Eco-System
ARTiBA in Campus

ARTiBA in Campus

ARTiBA’s academic partnership program equips universities and tech schools worldwide with a powerful, streamlined system of certification-enriched education in artificial intelligence and machine learning. While ARTiBA-accredited institutions lead the academic partnership initiative, those not accredited by ARTiBA can also apply for academic partnership.

ARTiBA academic partners are assisted comprehensively in aligning their academic offerings to AMDEX™ standards and integrating them with the AiE™ certification. ARTiBA also helps partner institutions get their students AiE™ certified right as a part of their academic coursework before they graduate.

To know more about how your institution can join the growing ARTiBA network, write to us

To apply for ARTiBA accreditation click here

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Training Provider Partnership

ARTiBA has a partnership program for technology training companies offering training programs and corporate tech-talent development solutions in various technology areas. This program is also open to training startups looking to enter the Ai and machine learning space.

As an ARTiBA Registered Training Provider (RTP), you have the flexibility to design and price your own exam preparation and training programs for ARTiBA’s flagship AiE™ certification. The RTP program ensures a quick start for training business operations with an easy-to-distribute and ready-to-use study kit for learners.

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Training Provider Partnership
Corporate Partnership

Corporate Partnership

ARTiBA’s Corporate Partnership program supports talent development initiatives of organizations that develop Ai and machine learning technologies, offer Ai solutions, or utilize Ai in their operations, products, and services.

ARTiBA’s collaborative corporate model connects specialist training teams with partner organizations to assist in the design and delivery of bespoke AiE™ certification training programs for employees.

Contact Us to learn more about how an ARTiBA corporate partnership can accelerate your talent development processes.

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Why Partner with ARTiBA

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    Because you trust the power of the open-source in technology. ARTiBA is a global pioneer of vendor-neutral, multi-platform knowledge framework in artificial intelligence and machine learning.

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    Because you want your talent to stay current and future-ready. ARTiBA’s constantly updating AMDEX™ standards ensure continuous organic updates in learning curricula.

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    Because you do not want to invest money and time in developing your own learning content. ARTiBA’s specialist content partners stay ready with the latest learning materials for your trainees.

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    Because you want your employees and students to obtain the best international qualification in Ai. ARTiBA’s collaborative mechanisms enable the integration of the Artificial Intelligence Engineer (AiE™) knowledge areas in all legacy training programs.


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